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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce nonummy commodo dui. Phasellus lacinia iaculis mi. Phasellus hendrerit. Nullam sapien mauris, venenatis at, fermentum at, tempus eu, urna. Donec rutrum venenatis dui. Curabitur risus urna, placerat et, luctus pulvinar, auctor vel, orci. Mauris tempor ultrices justo. 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce nonummy commodo dui. Phasellus lacinia iaculis mi. Phasellus hendrerit. Nullam sapien mauris, venenatis at, fermentum at, tempus eu, urna. Donec rutrum venenatis dui. Curabitur risus urna, placerat et, luctus pulvinar, auctor vel, orci. Mauris tempor ultrices justo. Donec ut purus. Phasellus hendrerit. urna, placerat et, luctus pulvinar, auctor vel, orci. Mauris tempor ultrices justo. Donec ut purus. Phasellus hendrerit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce nonummy commodo dui. Phasellus lacinia iaculis mi. Phasellus hendrerit. Nullam sapien mauris, venenatis at, fermentum at, tempus eu, urna. Donec rutrum venenatis dui. Curabitur risus


The All-On-Four (or All-on-5 or 6 or 7, etc) procedure is designed to permanently replace all of your teeth on a single arch, using eight to twelve total posts for replacement of both the upper and lower arch. This solution allows us to replace the entire arch with teeth secured in place. Imagine no lose dentures, no spaces between the teeth. Imagine having renewed confidence smiling, talking, and chewing again.




Multiple and Individual Single Implant Teeth or Multiple and
Separate Implant Bridges


Multiple implant treatment is an ideal option for candidates who are in the beginning stages of failing teeth. Even with good dental care, many older patients face the loss of multiple teeth as they age. Having many missing teeth is not only a problem for how you look and feel, but can also be detrimental to your health. Replacing these teeth is critical to maintaining the rest of your oral health. It is important to note that while it may appear that there are only a few missing teeth, depending on the condition of your jawbone, the Fixed Dental Arch treatment may be necessary. This is because bone deterioration can happen under the gum, and may not even be noticeable.


If you have lost a single tooth due to an accident, from periodontal disease or genetically missing, that one tooth could be easily replaced using a dental implant. To replace a single tooth, a dental implant is inserted into the site where the tooth is missing. The dental implant serves as a replacement for the root of the missing tooth. A small post called an abutment is then connected to the implant, and a replacement tooth is cemented or screwed on top of the abutment. Your new tooth will look and function just like your other natural teeth.

For more information on COSMETIC DENTAL IMPLANTS please visit our FAQ page

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